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Featured Talks

Ex-Guantanamo Bay Detainee Meeting his Captor
Moazzam Begg & TJ Holdbrooks

What Forces Prompt or Inhibit Evil or Heroic Behaviour
Philip Zimbardo

Operation Babylift
Cath Turner

The Dark Side of Chocolate
Miki Mistrati

Detecting cancer in 5 minutes for 3 cents
Jack Andraka

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault - Brian Lainoff
Brian Lainoff

The significance of the Higgs Boson discovery
Dr. John Ellis

BOLDtalks Woman

INDIVA - Celebrating Womanhood

Humans, Robots, Social Nets, and Collective Intelligence
Dr. Nikolaos Mavridis

The Innovation Vacuum of the Arab World
Dr. Majid Sultan Al Qasimi

Resuscitation Innovations Re-Defining Death
Dr Mamoun Abu Habsa

Fighting so-called 'Honour Killings'
Rana Husseini

Breaking the Sound Barriers in Music Business

Times Of War Through The Eyes of Arab Female Journalist
Jenan Moussa

Arts, Culture, Media and the Arab Spirit
Dr Cynthia Schneider

The Raise of the Berlin Wall
Vern Pike

New Dimension of Mind
Rudiger Gam

Innovation in Education
Giorgio Ungania

Fearless Living
Denis Murphy

The Story of the Grenfell Tower
Shahin Sadafi

Genomic Medicine and the Race to Save Lives
Dr Shareef Nahas

True Purpose of Pyramids
Dr. Sam Osmanagic

Li-Fi, the new Wi-Fi
Dr Harald Haas

Changing Perceptions, Changing Society
Sofana Dahlan
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